Wednesday 25 October 2017

Impatt Diode Microwave Oscillators Forex

Tipos de osciladores Osciladores de circuitos sintonizados Los diseños más comunes emplean inductores y condensadores en varias configuraciones para formar retroalimentación positiva en componentes activos. Los osciladores Hartley utilizan un circuito sintonizado que consiste en un condensador y dos inductores conectados en serie. A la frecuencia crítica, la realimentación es positiva y el circuito oscila. El condensador variable puede utilizarse para permitir el ajuste de la frecuencia del oscilador. Similar al diseño de Hartley es el oscilador de Colpitts que utiliza un circuito de la regeneración compuesto de un solo inductor y de dos condensadores. Los osciladores Colpitts que utilizan circuitos sintonizados en serie en lugar de los paralelos para su retroalimentación se llaman osciladores Clapp. Este diseño permite una gran cantidad de inductancia relativa a la capacitancia. Esto da al circuito sintonizado una selectividad de alta frecuencia (conocido como el factor Q) que reduce la tendencia a la deriva de la frecuencia del oscilador. El oscilador es inherentemente más estable debido a que las inductancias dispersas son mucho más pequeñas que el inductor en el circuito, y por lo tanto tienen menos impacto en la frecuencia. Osciladores de cristal Los osciladores de cristal (conocidos como XOs) dependen de un cristal de cuarzo piezoeléctrico para su resonancia, que determina la frecuencia con la que oscilan. Los cristales están especialmente cortados con dimensiones precisas para que oscilen a frecuencias específicas. Debido a la selectividad de frecuencia superior del cristal, la frecuencia del oscilador es extremadamente estable y precisa. Los osciladores de cristal se utilizan para relojes electrónicos y en otras aplicaciones donde se necesita una precisión extrema. No sólo son más precisos que los circuitos que utilizan circuitos inductivos y capacitivos, oscilan a frecuencias mucho más altas de las que pueden lograrse de manera fiable con el diseño del circuito sintonizado. Para una estabilidad aún mayor, el cristal puede estar contenido en una carcasa calentada llamada horno para mantenerla a una temperatura constante para eliminar la desviación de temperatura. Un dispositivo de este tipo se conoce como oscilador de cristal controlado por temperatura (TCXO). Ilimitado libre Forex demo cuentas. Abrir una cuenta gratis aquí Los VCOs Voltage Controlled Oscillators (VCO) se fabrican con un elemento de circuito que cambia sus características en respuesta a un voltaje aplicado. De esta manera, la frecuencia del oscilador se puede controlar manual o automáticamente. El elemento de sintonización es usualmente un diodo varactor cuya capacitancia varía con la tensión que se le aplica. Control de deriva Para mejorar la estabilidad de un oscilador, a veces se incorporan circuitos adicionales para compensar errores. La frecuencia de salida puede ser monitorizada y controlada automáticamente para mantener la frecuencia a un valor asignado. El método más común empleado para esta función es el bucle de bloqueo de fase. Otros elementos del circuito que reaccionan a cambios de temperatura pueden proporcionar compensación para mantener la frecuencia más constante. Un oscilador electrónico es un circuito electrónico que produce una señal electrónica repetitiva, a menudo una onda senoidal o una onda cuadrada. Un oscilador de baja frecuencia (LFO) es un oscilador electrónico que genera una forma de onda de CA entre 0,1 Hz y 10 Hz. Este término se utiliza típicamente en el campo de los sintetizadores de audio, para distinguirlo de un oscilador de frecuencia de audio. Tipos de oscilador electrónico Hay dos tipos principales de oscilador electrónico: el oscilador armónico y el oscilador de relajación. Oscilador armónico El oscilador armónico produce una salida sinusoidal. La forma básica de un oscilador armónico es un amplificador electrónico con la salida conectada a un filtro electrónico de banda estrecha y la salida del filtro conectado a la entrada del amplificador. Cuando la fuente de alimentación del amplificador se enciende por primera vez, la salida de los amplificadores consiste sólo en ruido. El ruido se desplaza alrededor del bucle, siendo filtrado y re-amplificado hasta que se asemeja cada vez más a la señal deseada. Un cristal piezoeléctrico (comúnmente de cuarzo) puede acoplarse al filtro para estabilizar la frecuencia de oscilación, dando como resultado un oscilador de cristal. Hay muchas maneras de implementar osciladores armónicos, porque hay diferentes maneras de amplificar y filtrar. Por ejemplo: 8226 Oscilador de Armstrong 8226 Oscilador de Hartley 8226 Oscilador de Colpitts 8226 Oscilador de Clapp 8226 Oscilador de percusión 8226 Oscilador de cambio de fase 8226 Oscilador RC 8226 Oscilador LC de acoplamiento cruzado 8226 Oscilador Vak Oscilador de relajación La relajación El oscilador se usa a menudo para producir una salida no sinusoidal, tal como una onda cuadrada o diente de sierra. El oscilador contiene una componente no lineal tal como un transistor que descarga periódicamente la energía almacenada en un condensador o inductor, provocando cambios abruptos en la forma de onda de salida. Se pueden usar osciladores de relajación de onda cuadrada para proporcionar la señal de reloj para circuitos lógicos secuenciales tales como temporizadores y contadores, aunque a menudo se prefieren osciladores de cristal para su mayor estabilidad. Los osciladores de onda triangular o de diente de sierra se utilizan en los circuitos de base de tiempo que generan las señales de deflexión horizontal para tubos de rayos catódicos en osciloscopios y televisores analógicos. En los generadores de funciones, esta onda de triángulo puede entonces ser moldeada en una aproximación cercana a una onda sinusoidal. Otros tipos de osciladores de relajación incluyen el multivibrador y el oscilador ondulador rotativo WAVE GENERATORS desempeñan un papel prominente en el campo de la electrónica. Generan señales de unos pocos hercios a varios gigahercios (10 9 hertzios). Los generadores de onda modernos utilizan muchos circuitos diferentes y generan salidas como formas de onda SINUSOIDAL, CUADRADA, RECTANGULAR, SAWTOOTH y TRAPEZOIDAL. Estas formas de ondas sirven a muchos propósitos útiles en los circuitos electrónicos que estudiarás. Por ejemplo, se utilizan ampliamente en todo el receptor de televisión para reproducir imagen y sonido. Un tipo de generador de ondas se conoce como OSCILADOR. Un oscilador puede ser considerado como un amplificador que proporciona su propia señal de entrada. Los osciladores se clasifican según las ondas que producen y los requisitos necesarios para que produzcan oscilaciones. CLASIFICACIÓN DE LOS OSCILADORES (GENERADORES) Los generadores de ondas se pueden clasificar en dos grandes categorías de acuerdo con sus ondas de salida, SINUSOIDAL y NONSINUSOIDAL. Osciladores sinusoidales Un oscilador sinusoidal produce una señal de salida de onda senoidal. Idealmente, la señal de salida es de amplitud constante sin variación de frecuencia. En realidad, se obtiene algo menos que esto. El grado en que se aproxima el ideal depende de factores tales como la clase de funcionamiento del amplificador, las características del amplificador, la estabilidad de la frecuencia y la estabilidad de la amplitud. Los generadores de onda sinusoidal producen señales que van desde frecuencias bajas de audio hasta frecuencias ultra-altas de radio y microondas. Muchos generadores de baja frecuencia utilizan resistencias y condensadores para formar sus redes de determinación de frecuencia y se denominan OSCILADORES RC. Son ampliamente utilizados en la gama de audio-frecuencia. Otro tipo de generador de onda senoidal utiliza inductores y condensadores para su red de determinación de frecuencia. Este tipo se conoce como LC OSCILLATOR. Los osciladores de LC, que utilizan circuitos de tanque, se utilizan comúnmente para las frecuencias de radio más altas. No son adecuados para su uso como osciladores de baja frecuencia porque los inductores y condensadores serían de gran tamaño, pesados ​​y costosos de fabricar. Un tercer tipo de generador de onda senoidal es el OSCILADOR CONTROLADO POR CRISTAL. El oscilador controlado por cristal proporciona una excelente estabilidad de frecuencia y se utiliza desde el centro de la gama de audio a través de la gama de frecuencias de radio. RC Oscilador de cambio de fase Un oscilador es un circuito que genera una señal de salida de CA sin dar ninguna señal de entrada de CA. Este circuito se aplica generalmente sólo para frecuencias de audio. El requisito básico para un oscilador es la retroalimentación positiva. El funcionamiento del oscilador de cambio de fase RC puede explicarse de la siguiente manera. La tensión de arranque es proporcionada por el ruido, que se produce debido al movimiento aleatorio de los electrones en las resistencias utilizadas en el circuito. La tensión de ruido contiene casi todas las frecuencias sinusoidales. Esta tensión de ruido de baja amplitud se amplifica y aparece en los terminales de salida. El ruido amplificado impulsa la red de realimentación que es la red de cambio de fase. Debido a esto, la tensión de realimentación es máxima a una frecuencia particular, que a su vez representa la frecuencia de oscilación. Además, el cambio de fase requerido para la retroalimentación positiva es correcto sólo en esta frecuencia. La ganancia de voltaje del amplificador con retroalimentación positiva viene dada por De la ecuación anterior podemos ver que si. La ganancia se convierte en infinito significa que hay salida sin ninguna entrada. El amplificador se convierte en un oscilador. Esta condición se conoce como el criterio de Barkhausen de la oscilación. Por lo tanto, la salida contiene sólo una sola frecuencia sinusoidal. Al principio, cuando el oscilador está encendido, la ganancia del bucle A es mayor que la unidad. Las oscilaciones se acumulan. Una vez alcanzado un nivel adecuado, la ganancia del amplificador disminuye, y el valor de la ganancia del bucle disminuye hasta la unidad. Por lo tanto, las oscilaciones de nivel constante se mantienen. Satisfaciendo las condiciones de oscilación anteriores el valor de R y C para la red de desplazamiento de fase se selecciona de tal manera que cada combinación RC produce un desplazamiento de fase de 60176. Así, el desplazamiento de fase total producido por las tres redes RC es 180176. Por lo tanto a la frecuencia específica Para el desplazamiento de fase total desde la base del transistor alrededor del circuito y de vuelta a la base es 360176 satisfaciendo así el criterio de Barkhausen. Seleccionamos R1R2R38727R y C1C2C3C La frecuencia de oscilación del oscilador de cambio de fase RC es dada por A esta frecuencia, el factor de retroalimentación de la red es. Para que se requiera que la ganancia del amplificador para la operación del oscilador OSCILLADORES Qué son los fundamentos del oscilador Alguna gente considera el diseño de los osciladores del RF y de los fundamentos del oscilador en particular, ser algo afín a un arte negro y después de muchos años de jurar en los osciladores irritables Im No todos están seguros de que están tan equivocados. Te sugiero que te asegures de recordar este viejo dicho: Los amplificadores oscilan y los osciladores amplifican - desconocido Introducción a los fundamentos del oscilador Cuando yo era un niño, sí puedo recordar de nuevo a finales de 1940, hemos recogido todo tipo de basura. Fresco era cualquier cosa remotamente eléctrico y, por supuesto dynamos de la bicicleta, las lámparas o los motores eran incluso fresco adicional. Como preciosos pequeños de siete años de edad concebidos - todos los físicos nucleares en ciernes que éramos - de esta idea inteligente real, obviamente nadie había pensado en esto antes. ¿Por qué no conectar un motor a un generador, por lo que el motor impulsa el generador, proporcionando electricidad para el motor, que sigue conduciendo el generador y itll ir, y en, y en durante un centenar de años y bien convertirse en ricos y mundialmente famoso Por supuesto no tuvimos ningún concepto de pérdidas por fricción (creo que es correcto) en ese entonces. Tampoco las palabras movimiento perpetuo pasaron por nuestros oídos. El punto principal de esa pequeña historia es demostrar crudamente el principio de cómo funciona un oscilador. Si usted puede seguir ese concepto ingenuo ingenuo entonces usted los matará en esto. Principios del funcionamiento del oscilador Cada oscilador tiene al menos un dispositivo activo (los smarties no complican las cosas para mí - apenas leído encendido) sea un transistor o aún la válvula vieja. Este dispositivo activo y, para este tutorial se adhieren al transistor humilde, actúa como amplificador. No hay nada flash sobre eso. Para esta primera parte de la discusión nos limitaremos a los osciladores de LC o los fundamentos del oscilador e Ill mantener las matemáticas a un mínimo absoluto. Al encender, cuando se aplica por primera vez, se genera ruido aleatorio dentro de nuestro dispositivo activo y luego se amplifica. Este ruido se retroalimenta positivamente a través de circuitos selectivos de frecuencia a la entrada donde se amplifica de nuevo y así sucesivamente, un poco como mi proyecto de la infancia. Finalmente se alcanza un estado de equilibrio donde las pérdidas en el circuito se consiguen consumiendo energía de la fuente de alimentación y la frecuencia de oscilación es determinada por los componentes externos, sean inductores y condensadores (L. C.) o un cristal. La cantidad de retroalimentación positiva para mantener la oscilación también está determinada por componentes externos. Hartley Oscillator He decidido utilizar el Hartley Oscillator por la simple razón de que es mi favorito. Recientemente se discutió que su oscilador favorito era probablemente el que funcionó mejor para usted y creo que es bastante cierto. Así que aquí está en su forma más simplificada. Figura 1 - Esquema de un oscilador Hartley Colpitts Oscillator El circuito básico del oscilador Colpitts se parece a esto y verá algunas similitudes. Figura 2 - Esquema de un oscilador de colpitts Si se considera una retroalimentación positiva se aplica para compensar las pérdidas en el circuito sintonizado, el amplificador y el circuito de realimentación crean una resistencia negativa. Cuando Z1 y Z2 son capacitivos, la impedancia a través de los condensadores se puede estimar a partir de una fórmula que no pondré en usted aquí porque incluye beta, hie, así como XC1 y XC2. Baste decir que se puede demostrar que la impedancia de entrada es una resistencia negativa en serie con C1 y C2. La frecuencia o la estabilidad de fase de un oscilador se considera habitualmente en el caso de estabilidad a largo plazo en el que los cambios de frecuencia se miden en minutos, horas, días o incluso años. De interés aquí son los efectos de los cambios de componentes, con las condiciones ambientales, sobre la frecuencia de oscilación. Estos pueden ser causados ​​por cambios en el voltaje de entrada, variaciones de temperatura, humedad y envejecimiento de nuestros componentes. Nunca subestime los efectos de estas variaciones en la frecuencia de operación. Ive ido loco que trabaja en los diseños de precisión llamados, con componentes de la precisión, donde la frecuencia vagó al azar sobre varios kilohertz sobre varios minutos. Huelga decir que Id estropeado. La estabilidad a corto plazo también es de gran interés y, de nuevo podría poner algunas matemáticas pesadas reales en usted, pero no lo haré. Ill simplemente decir que se puede probar matemáticamente que cuanto más alto es el circuito Q, más alto es este factor de estabilidad. Cuanto mayor sea el circuito Q, mejor será la capacidad del circuito sintonizado para filtrar los armónicos no deseados Y el ruido. Reducción del ruido de fase en los osciladores 1. Maximice el Qu del resonador. 2. Maximizar la energía reactiva mediante un alto voltaje de RF a través del resonador. Utilice una relación LC baja. 3. Evite la saturación del dispositivo e intente utilizar diodos de sintonía antiparalelo (espalda con espalda). 4. Elija su dispositivo activo con la NF más baja (figura de ruido). 5. Elija un dispositivo con poco ruido de parpadeo, esto puede ser reducido por la regeneración del RF. Un transistor bipolar con una resistencia de emisor no transmitida de 10 a 30 ohmios puede mejorar el ruido de parpadeo en hasta 40 dB. - ver degeneración del emisor 6. Los circuitos de salida deben estar aislados del circuito del oscilador y tomar la menor potencia posible. Efectos de los cambios ambientales en la estabilidad de los osciladores Un cambio de frecuencia de unas pocas decenas de hercios de un lado a otro durante un par de minutos no significaría nada para un receptor de entretenimiento diseñado para la banda de radio FM. Tal deriva en un receptor de otro tipo de concurso diseñado para recibir CW (código Morse) sería intolerable. Es una cuestión de relatividad. Minimización Deriva de frecuencia en los osciladores Estos son aleatorios y no en un orden particular. 1. Aísle el oscilador de etapas sucesivas con una etapa de buffer bien diseñada seguida de una etapa de amplificación. Las señales grandes a menudo pueden entonces ser reducidas por un atenuador de 3 ó 6 dB que también tiene el beneficio de presentar una impedancia de carga bien definida al amplificador. Si la etapa es la alimentación de un mezclador, como es más a menudo el caso, entonces otro beneficio es el mezclador (que está utilizando mezcladores balanceados dobles), también ver una fuente de impedancia de 50 ohmios. 2. Asegúrese de que la estabilidad mecánica de su oscilador es tal que la vibración mecánica no puede tener ningún efecto sobre los componentes, especialmente los componentes que determinan la frecuencia. 3. Suministre el oscilador con un suministro limpio y bien regulado. Si utiliza la sintonización de varactor, asegúrese doblemente de que la tensión de CC de ajuste esté lo más limpia posible, se pueden imponer unos cientos de microvoltios de ruido a la señal del oscilador. Utilice diodos espalda a espalda para el elemento variable. Las variables de aire son difíciles de encontrar aunque ofrecen cifras Q muy superiores. La afinación de CC tiende a ser más versátil. 4. Minimizar los cambios de circuito de las variaciones ambientales mediante el uso de condensadores NPO, poliestireno son más caros, pero excelente, mica plateada en mi opinión no son lo que mucha gente cree y son muy superior a la nominal. 5. El inductor debe ser arrollado en forma de bobina con una configuración para maximizar Qu. Si debe usar un toroide, cuando sea posible trate de usar el tipo 6, ya que ofrece el mejor Q. A veces, por otras razones, puede que tenga que usar un formulario sintonizado. 6. Paralelo un número de condensadores NPO de menor valor en lugar de usar uno grande en componentes que determinan la frecuencia. Para trimmers tratar de usar una variable de aire. Mantenga un ojo hacia fuera para el valor pequeño N750, condensadores N1500, lt 15 pF, cuando está disponible y se encuentra para ser barato de la suciedad. Estos son a veces útiles en la domesticación de la deriva en un oscilador. 7. Bipolar o FETS para el dispositivo activo parece ser una cuestión de preferencia personal y he visto algunos argumentos feroces sobre eso. El consenso parece bajar a favor de FETS. Yo, Im un hombre bipolar porque FETS me odia puro y simple. UJT Oscilador de Relajación La característica de resistencia negativa del transistor de uniones hace posible su uso como oscilador. Concepto de Oscilador de Relajación El concepto de oscilador de relajación se ilustra mediante este circuito intermitente donde una batería carga repetidamente un condensador al umbral de disparo de una bombilla, de manera que la bombilla parpadea a una velocidad constante. Un oscilador de relajación es un circuito repetitivo (como el circuito intermitente ilustrado anteriormente) que logra su comportamiento repetitivo desde la carga de un condensador hasta algún umbral de evento. El evento descarga el condensador, y su tiempo de recarga determina el tiempo de repetición de los eventos. En el circuito de parpadeo simple, una batería carga el condensador a través de una resistencia, de manera que los valores de la resistencia y del condensador (constante de tiempo) determinan la velocidad de parpadeo. La velocidad de parpadeo puede aumentarse disminuyendo el valor de la resistencia. Una de las razones de la importancia del concepto de oscilador de relajación es que algunos sistemas neuronales actúan como osciladores de relajación. Por ejemplo, el haz de fibras nerviosas llamado nodo SA (nodo sino-auricular) en la parte superior derecha del corazón actúa como el marcapasos natural del corazón, disparando a una velocidad regular. La velocidad de este oscilador de relajación es variable, y se puede aumentar en respuesta al esfuerzo o alarma. Otras células nerviosas se recargan como un condensador, pero luego esperan que algún tipo de estímulo dispare. En respuesta a algún tipo de trauma, puede ser que el umbral de disparo sea lo suficientemente baja como para dispararse y actuar como un oscilador de relajación. Esta es una posibilidad intriquing para explicar el zumbido en los oídos después de un concierto ruidoso. La Comisión de Servicio Público de Uttar Pradesh (UPPSC) va a conducir una Prueba Preliminar (Escrito) para el reclutamiento a los postes del Oficial Médico, U. P. Homeopatía Servicio Médico. Estamos proporcionando el último Syllabus prescrito patrón de examen amp y examen de la Uttar Pradesh Comisión de Servicio Público (UPPSC). Patrón de examen: Patrón de examen para UPPSC MO (Homeopática) Prueba escrita es como sigue: - Examen escrito será de tipo objetivo de opción múltiple. El documento de preguntas contendrá 150 puntos. 120 preguntas serán de temas relacionados y 30 preguntas de Estudios Generales. La duración del tiempo será de 02:00 horas (120 minutos). - Definición de Anatomía y sus ramas principales, Osteología, - Nombres, situaciones y tipos de los huesos del esqueleto humano, Mycology8212Nombres y situación de los músculos, Sistema cardiovascular Corazón y vasos sanguíneos principales Neurología-cerebro, médula espinal y nervios principales, Splanchnology - hígado, páncreas, bazo, estómago, pulmones, riñones y ambos Intestinos, sistema uro-genital - órganos urinarios, órganos genitales masculinos y femeninos, glándulas endocrinas, Órganos de los sentidos. ORGANO DE MEDICINA Y PRINCIPIOS DE LA FILOSOFIA HOMOEOPÁTICA y PSICOLOGÍA Historia de la homeopatía y vida de Hahnemann8217s, Principios fundamentales de la homeopatía, requisito de calificación de médico, Concepto de Principio Vital, Diferentes modos de tratamiento, Acción primaria y secundaria, Clasificación de enfermedades, Concepto de Miasma, Diferentes causas de las enfermedades, manejo dietético durante el tratamiento homeopático, código de ética para los homeopáticos, pronóstico después de la administración de la medicina homeopática, segunda prescripción, demostrando la osología, totalidad de los síntomas, aforismo 1 a 294 del organon de medicina. Para casos agudos y crónicos. Mantenimiento de registros. Totalidad de los síntomas, Clasificación de los síntomas incluyendo prescripción de los síntomas. Gradación y evaluación de Síntomas. Importancia de los síntomas mentales. Lógica de Repertorio, Correlación de Repertorio con Terapéutica y Material Medica. Historia y desarrollo de los repertorios hasta la fecha. Tipos de repertorios. Explicación de las terminologías utilizadas en diversos repertorios. Libro de bolsillo terapéutico de Boenninghausen8217s y repertorio de Boger Boenninghausen8217s, repertorio de Kent8217s incluyendo nuevo Repertorio. GINECOLOGIA Y OBSTETRICIA OBSTETRICIA Desarrollo del Embarazo Intra Uterino. Diagnóstico del embarazo. Caso Ante-natal Trabajo normal, Atención posparto Puerperal, Puerperal anormal, Cuidado del recién nacido. Anomalías en la acción del útero Condición anómala de partes blandas contraídas Pelvis, parto obstruido, Complicaciones de la tercera etapa de las lesiones del parto en los canales de nacimiento. Operaciones obstétricas comunes. Puerperal anormal: infecciones. Ginecología, Anomalías del desarrollo, Endocrino Eje: anormalidades Desplazamientos uterinos Inflamación, ulceración y lesiones traumáticas de los órganos genitales femeninos, Atención del lactante Higiene neonatal Lactancia materna, Manejo del niño prematuro Asfixia Trastornos comunes del recién nacido. Introducción al concepto de medicina preventiva y social, hombre y sociedad: objetivo y alcance, medicina social, causas sociales de la enfermedad y problemas sociales de los enfermos, relación de factores económicos y medio ambiente en salud y enfermedad. Higiene fisiológica: - Alimentos en relación con la salud y las enfermedades, las deficiencias nutricionales y la encuesta nutricional. Procesamiento de alimentos, pasteurización de leche. Adulteración de alimentos e inspección de alimentos, Intoxicación alimentaria. Higiene personal - (Limpieza, descanso, sueño, trabajo) Ejercicio físico y formación cuidado de la salud en zonas tropicales. Saneamiento ambiental: Contaminación atmosférica-purificación del aire, esterilización del aire enfermedades transmitidas por el aire. Saneamiento de ferias y festivales. Desinfectantes desinfectantes, desodorantes, germicidas antisépticos. Métodos de desinfección y esterilización. Insectos-insecticidas y desinfección-insectos en relación con la enfermedad. Control de insectos. Protozoarios y helmínticos ciclo de vida de protozoos y helmintos, su prevención. Medicina Preventiva Principios generales de prevención y control de las enfermedades transmisibles. Su descripción y métodos de prevención y propagación por contacto, por gotita Infección por vehículos medioambientales, (agua, suelo, alimentos, insectos, animales, fundiciones profilácticas y vacunación). Principios generales de prevención y control de las enfermedades no transmisibles, p. Obesidad, hipertensión, etc. Concepto homeopático de profilaxis, vacunación, inmunología e higiene personal. FISIOLOGÍA INCLUYENDO LA BIOCHIMIA Fenómenos fundamentales de la vida. La célula y los tejidos. Principios bioquímicos, principios biofísicos Fisiología ambiental Estructura y funciones de la piel. Regulación de la temperatura corporal hipotermia. Sistema Skelato-Muscular, Introducción general y clasificación de las fibras musculares. Estructura nerviosa y función de las células nerviosas. Composición sanguínea y funciones en general. Fisiología de las proteínas plasmáticas, valores normales, E. S.R. Amp y otros índices de sangre. Sistemas de grupos sanguíneos. Linfático y R. E. sistema. Cardio Vascular System: Generación y conducción del impulso cardiaco, E. C.G. Base fisiológica del shock. Sistema respiratorio Principios físicos de intercambio gaseoso y transporte de gases respiratorios. Fisiología del sistema digestivo de la estructura y las funciones de la vejiga y del hígado. Sistema Excretor Sistema Endocrino. Sistema de reproducción Sistema Nervioso Central, Sentidos Especiales, Nutrición, Dieta equilibrada. PATOLOGÍA GENERAL Inflamación, reparación de lesiones curativas, inmunidad. Neoplasia, Trombosis, Embolia, Edema, Hipertrofia, Hiperplasia, Anaplasia, Metaplasia, Isquemia, Hemorragia, Atrofia de Choque, Infección Necrosis, Gangrena, Infarto PATOLOGÍA SISTÉMICA Sistema Alimentario, Hígado, Enfermedad Inflamatoria, Cirrosis, Ictericia, Vesícula Biliar, Páncreas, Cardio Vascular Enfermedad Enfermedad Nerviosa Central, Trastornos Respiratorios Sistema Uro-genital, Enfermedad Esquelética y Muscular, Piel, Hematología, MICROBIOLOGÍA INCLUIDA PARASITOLOGÍA, BACTERIOLOGÍA Y CIRUGÍA VIROLÓGICA, ENT y OPHTAMOLOGÍA Diagnosticar casos quirúrgicos comunes con procedimientos clínicos. Correlación de inspecciones aplicadas, con factores que pueden modificar el curso de la enfermedad, incluyendo medidas medicinales y no medicinales, Anestesia. Principios de Cirugía, Fundamentos de Examen de un paciente con problema quirúrgico. Uso de instrumentos comunes para el examen de un paciente, asepsia, antisepsia, vestir, yeso, cirugía operatoria, etc. Instrumentos prácticos, medidas de fisioterapia. Incluyen también estudios aplicados en Radiología, etc. Diagnóstico. Ortopedia, Oftalmología, Enfermedades Dentales, Otorrinolaringología y Cirugía Neonatal. Lesiones de diversos tipos: cicatrización y manejo de heridas, incluyendo úlceras, sinusitis, gangrena, etc. Hemorragia, choque, manejo Resucitación y apoyo en emergencias. Accidentes y manejo de lesiones de guerra. Gestión de quemaduras. Fracturas y dislocaciones: principios generales, Pediatría Terapéutica de enfermedades sistémicas quirúrgicas incluyendo ojo, oído, nariz y garganta. Materia Medica, Medicamentos: Aconita, Aethusa, Aloes, Antim crudo, antim tart, Apis mel, Argentum nitrdum, Árnica Montana, Bryonia aib, Chamomilla, dna, Coichicum, Colocynth, Dulcamara , Ipeca, Ledum pal Nux-vom, Rhus tox, Calcarea Phos, Ferrum Phos, Silicea, Alumina, Amonio carb, Anacardlum, Arsenic aib, Aurum met, Baptisia, Berberjs-vul, Borax, Bovista, Cantheris, Ferrum-met, Gelsimium , Hepar Suphgnatia, Natrum carb, Opium Petroleum, Fósforo, Platina, Sepia, Spongia, Veratrum aib, Natruulph, Baryta carb, Belladora, Calcarea arb, Carbo-veg, Causticum, Graphite, Hysosymus, lodium Kali carb, Lachesis, Lycopodum, Merc - sol, Natrum mur, ácido nítrico, Podophyllum, Pulsatilla, Staphinagaria, Stramonium, Azufre, Thuja, Zincum met, Bacilinum Capsicum, Coccuus. Coffea, Eputorium por Floric acid Glonina, Lilium tig, Magnesia Carb, Medorrhinurn, Mezareurn, Psorinum, Pyrogenum, Rhocandron, Rumex, Ruta-g, Sabina, Sangunaria, Zarzaparrilla, Spigelia, Stannum met, Veracruz vir, Cinchona off Digitalis, Sulfuric Acid . PRÁCTICA DE LA MEDICINA Métodos Clínicos de Exámenes de los pacientes en su conjunto con terapéutica: Enfermedades Respiratorias, Trastornos Alimentarios y Páncreas, Enfermedades Nutricionales, Factores Inmunológicos en Enfermedades, Factores Climáticos en Enfermedades Enfermedades Metabólicas, Endocrinas - Trastornos Menstruales, Hígado y Tratos Billares Enfermedades Hematológicas Sistema Cardiovascular Enfermedades, Riñones amp Enfermedades de las Vías Urinarias, Agua y Electrolitos equilibrio Enfermedades, Trastornos de los Tejidos Conectivos, Huesos y Articulaciones Trastornos, Enfermedades de la Piel, Sistema nervioso periférico y Enfermedades Mentales, Emergencias agudas incluyendo envenenamientos, Pediatría con Terapéutica Homoeopática. Introducción de Farmacia Homoeopática, evolución de la Farmacia Homoeopática de Organon y Materia Medica, el concepto de Pruebas de Drogas y Dinamización. Escuelas de medicina. Su descubrimiento, principios de farmacología y Materia Medica, alcance y limitaciones. Fuentes de Farmacia Homeopática. Interrelación de diferentes escuelas de Farmacia con énfasis en la relación de la farmacia alopática y homeopática. Propiedades de los medicamentos. Rutas de Administración de Drogas, Acciones de drogas, Alimentos, Venenos, cosméticos. Sustancia de la droga, droga, medicina, recurso. Economía nacional. Posología, Vehículos Balanzas para la preparación de medicamentos Acción Farmacológica de Medicamentos Polychrest. Abreviaturas utilizadas en la escritura de prescripción. Parte jurídica: legislación relativa a la farmacia homeopática, la ley sobre las drogas y los cosméticos, la ley sobre el veneno, la ley sobre farmacia. MEDICINA Y TOXICOLOGIA FORENSE Medicina Forense: Procedimiento Jurídico: Definición de Jurisprudencia Médica. Tribunales y su Jurisdicción Ética médica: Ley relativa al registro médico y relación médica entre los practicantes y el Estado. Ley del Consejo Central de Homeopatía, 1973. Examen e Identificación de personas vivas y muertas: partes, huesos, manchas, salud, putrefacción, momificación, saponificación, formas de muerte. Asaltos, heridas, lesiones y muerte por violencia. Asfixia muerte, examen de sangre, manchas de sangre, manchas seminales: quemaduras, escaldaduras, accidentes cerebrovasculares, etc. Inanición, embarazo, parto, aborto, infanticidio, crímenes sexuales, locura en relación con la vida del Estado y seguro de accidentes post mortem. Toxicología: Ácido mineral, corrosivo, sublimado, arsénico y su compuesto de alcohol, opio y sus alcaloides, ácido carbólico, monóxido de carbono, dióxido de carbono. Aceite de queroseno, cannabis indica, cocaína, belladona, estricnina y vómica de flujo, acónito, oleander, envenenamiento de serpiente. (1) Historia de la India y el movimiento nacional indio: - En la historia de la India, el énfasis debe estar en la comprensión amplia de los aspectos sociales, económicos y políticos de la historia india. En el movimiento nacional indio, se espera que los candidatos tengan visión sinóptica del movimiento de la libertad, crecimiento del nacionalismo y consecución de la independencia. (2) Geografía India y Mundial Geografía Física, Social y Económica de la India y el Mundo: - Las preguntas sobre la Geografía de la India se relacionarán con Física, Social y Geografía Económica de la India. En Geografía Mundial sólo se esperará una comprensión general del tema. (3) Política y Gobernanza Indígena, Constitución Sistema Político, Panchayati Raj amp Política Pública, Derechos 8211 cuestiones etc: - En la política de la India y las cuestiones de Gobernabilidad pondrá a prueba el conocimiento de la constitución del país, el sistema político incluyendo Panchayati Raj y Desarrollo Comunitario. (4) Indian Economy and Social Development :- The candidates will be tested with respect to problems and relationship between population, Environment, Urbanization, broad features of economic policy in India and Indian Culture. (5) Current Events of National and International Importance :- This will also include questions on Games amp Sports. (6) Indian Agriculture :- The candidates will be expected to have general understanding of agriculture in India, agricultural produce and its marketing. (7) General Science :- Questions on General Science will cover general appreciation and understanding of science including matters of everyday observation and experience, as may be expected of a well educated person, who has not made a special study of any scientific discipline. This will also include questions on role of science and technology in the development of India. (8) Elementary Mathematics up to class 10th level :- Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry. You may please bookmark us for more updates and information prefer to best choice regarding your bright career. For more Information please visit 8211 uppsc. up. nic. in/ Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) is going to conduct a Screening Test (Written) for recruitment to the posts of Medical Officer, U. P. Ayurved Chikitsa Shiksha Seva. we are providing the latest prescribed Syllabus amp Exam Pattern of Exam conducting by Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC). Exam Pattern : Exam Pattern for UPPSC MO (Ayurved) Written test is as Follows :- Written Exam will be multiple choice objective type. The question paper will contain 150 marks. 120 questions will be from related subjects and 30 questions from General Studies. The time duration will be 02:00 Hours (120 Minutes). Exam Syllabus : Exam Syllabus for UPPSC Medical Officer (Ayurved) Screening Test is given below :- 1 Samhita and Siddhanta (Basic Principles) : Charak Samhita (Complete), Astang 1-Hridaya (Sutra sthan), Ayurveda Nirupana, Lakshana, Siddhanta, the portion related to history of Ayurveda of Samhita and Siddhanta, Parikshal Pramaria, Shada Padartha, Kiryakaranavad, Tantrayukti, AYUSH, Central Council of Research in Ayurveda and Siddha (CCRAS), Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM), National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), National Ayush Mission, which was Started from 2014-15. Work Health Organization (WHO), Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia Commission, National Medicinal Plants Boards, Traditional Knowledge of digital Library (TKDL), Drug amp Cosmetic Act, National and International Journals of Ayurveda. Shariropakrama, Abhinvritti sharir, (Developmental anatomy), garbha sharir (Embryology), Pramana Sharir - angull and anjali pramana, asthi sharir (osteology)- Surgical importance of each bone, Sandhi sharir (Syndermology) 8211 surgical importance of joints, Sira, dhamani, srotas sharir (angiology), lasika sansthana (Lymphatic system), Peshi sharir (Myology) 8212 origin. insertion. nerve supply action and importance, paribhasha sharir, koshtha and asya sharir, granthi sharir, kala and teak sharir, (Dermatology), uttamangiya nadi sansthana sharir, tantra sharir, marma sharir - applied aspect, Anga rekhankana sharir ( Surface anatomy), Indriya Vigyan sharir. Inter relation between panchmahabhoota and tridosha, divisions of VATA, PITTA and KAPHA, seats and functions, symptoms of kshya and vridhi of doshas, kriya kala Classification of Ahar, Pachan and dhatu poshan krama, functions of dhaus, symptoms of kshya and vridhi, vyadhi ksahmatva, types of agni, classification. importance of agni, interrelation among jatharagni, bhutagni and dhatavagnl, agni avastha, formation of malas in the body, kinds, seats and their functions, symptoms of kshaya and vridhi of malas, corn position of blood according to mode(n physiology, knowledge of blood examination A B O blood groups, examination of urine according to modern science, requirement of vitamins in the body, symptoms of hypo and hyper vitaminsation and diseases occurring due to them. Padartha of dravya guna vigyan, dravya, its classification, knowledge of gurvadi guna and pradi guna, knowledge of rasa, its number and uses, rasa and anurasa bheda definition of vipaka and its types, definition of virya. swarupa and number difference between veerya and guna, definition, effects of prabhava difference between veerya and prabhava, ideal drug, anupana method of collection preserrIon of drugs, knowledge of nighantus especially Dhanwantri, Rajnlghantu and bhava praksha nighantu. Knowledge of principles of general pharmacology, definition, nature and types of karmas with examples, Botanical name. important synonyms habit. habitat and source, parts used, clinical indicatiot. important formulation and doses of Dravyas. 5 Ras Shastra and Bhalshajya kalpna : Applied aspects of yantra and its uses, Applied aspects of koshthi, Applied aspects of putas, use of muffle furnace, classification of mercury, purification, sagandha nad nirgandha murchna, Applied aspects of maharasa and its classification, purification and incineration, classification of uprasa and its indications and contraindications, classification of sadharan rasa and its importance, classification of dahtu, updahtu, classification of ratna upratna and its detail, classification of visha and upvisha. its purification indications and contraindications, detail knowledge of Rasa Ratna samuchhaya and sharangdhar samhita, Aushadha evam Prasadhan Adhinlyama (Drug and Cosmetic Act 1940 and Rules 1945), General Knowledge of useful instructions, Comparative study of Mana, Aushadha Matra, Anupana Aushadha Sevan Kala, Kashaya Yoni - Panch vidh Kashya Kalpana, Aushadhiyo ki doses and Ghatak Dravya, Sneha Kalpana, Sandhan Kalpana, Pathya Kalparia, Bahya Kalpana (Formulations used for External Applications), Netra Kalpana, Nasya Kalpana, Mukha Kalpana, Dhumapana Kalpana, Vasti Kalpana, Brief Introduction of Ointment Creams, Gels, Lotion, Shampoos, Soaps, Liniments. General knowledge about Indian Medicine Act 1939 and Centrai Council of Indian Medicine Act 1970. Definition of Agad tantra and Vyavhar Avurved and knowledge of vidhi vaidyak. definition of Visha and Upvisha and its different kinds, knowledge of jangam, dushivisha. Garvishi. and Miniral poisons, knowledge of Medicolegal aspects in respect of death, injuries, domest violence, sexuil offences, Physicians responsibilities in criminal matters, negligence/ MTP and Code of conduct for Physicians and medical Ethics. Science of dosha and dushya, science of diseases, nidan panchak, science of different types of examination and praman, diseases of ras vaha srotas vitiation, diseases of rakt vaha srotas vitiation, diseases of mans vaha srotas vitiation, diseases of medo vaha srotas vitiation, diseases of asthi vaha srotas vitiation, diseases of shukra vaha srotas vitiation, diseases of pran vaha srotas vitiation, diseases of anna vaha srotas vitiation diseases of udak vaha srotas vitiation, diseases of mootra vaha srotas vitiation diseases of swed vaha srotas, vitiation diseases of mano vaha srotas vitiation, contagious diseases, krimi roga, examination of blood, urine, sputum, semen, clinical examination methods. Definitions of Swastha, Swasthavritta Dimentios of well being health, Dincharya, Ritucharya, Sadvritta, General Introduction about Yoga, Trayopstambhas Aahar, Nidra, Brahamcharya, Lifestyle and lifestyle disorders, Dharniya and Adharniya vegas, Janapadopadhwamsa Occupational Heath, Disaster Management, Epidemiology, Disposal of Dead body, Hospital Building sanitation amp Ventilation. Chiktsa chtushpada, sadaupkrama, deepana pachna langhanadi kriya, samshodhan sanshamn, nidana parivarjna, pathyapathya and anupanam applied knowledge of prakriti and vikratl, examination of patient and disease, sadhyta isadhyta, rasayna and vajikarna, diagnosis of treatment of major medical diseases knowledge of important herbal and metallic drugs, Ayurvedic management of major modern diseases, special features of Ayurvedlc approach to treat the diseases. recent advances in Ayurvedic medicine. Description of yantrta, shastra and anuyantra, nirjantuukaran (sterilization), sarigyaharan (anesthesia), kshar and kshar karra, kshara sutra and its application In piles and fistula, agni karma, rakat mokshna, vrana 8212vrana shotha examination, mansa-snaVU - twak - dhamani, sira - manya vikara, bhagna (fracture), sadhimoksha (Joint dislocation), udara vikara, amasya vikara antra vkar, uduk puccha, (appendictis) Antrachuti (hernia) Different mutra roga including renal stone, prostate and phimosis with carcinoma of penis Introduction 8212 netra rachna shareer eye examination, classification of netra roga, kriya kalap and sterilization with general treatment, eye diseases, sandhigata roga, vartamgat roga, shukalgata roga, saravgata roga, drishtigata roga with modern study, community ophthalmology, eye donation, corneal transplantation, shiro rogam anatomy of ear, diseases and examination, nasa roga, diseases of mukha, dant and dant moola, diseseas of jivham karitha and sarvasar. 12 Parsuti tantra and stri roga : Artava abnormalities, yoni vyapada and modern correlation, semenology, sterility disease and treatment, uterine poyp, uterine fibroid (bemign and malignant) pelvic infection, menopause, breast abcess, mastitis etc. surgical procedures in gynecological problems, female surgical sterilization, family planning, reproduction and child health care, HIV/ AIDS programme, menstruation and menstrual life style, method of conception nutrition of of foetus, placenta, amniotic fluid, foetal membrane, foetal science, punsavana sanskara, ante natal care, foetal abnormalities, problems of pregnancy, systemic disorders during pregnancy, pregnancy induced disordersm normal labour, problem of labour, prolonged labour, perpurlum, perpurial disorders, phermacotherapeutics of drugs used In obstrectic emergencies, PNDT act and MTP act. General Introduction, classification of age, Importance of kashyap samhita in kaumarbhritya, navajat shishu paricharya, (Neonatal care), prana pratyagaman, (Neonatal rersuscila) navjat shishu parlksha, (examination of new born), nursery, nutritional aspects, drug doses In pediatrics, special therapeutic procedures in children like panchkarma. birth injuries, congenital disorders, disorders due to vitiated milk, malnutrition diseases in children, infectious diseases, srtasta vikara, miscellaneous pediatrician disorders, behavior disorders in children, pediatric emergency management, balagraha, various ayurvedic and modern procedures and in ayurvedic pediatric practices. Samshodna and sanshaman therapy, scientific evaluation of panchkarma, purva kaimas snehan, swedan, langhana, Pradhan karma - vaman virechana, asthapana, anuvasana and nasya, their importance, methodology, indication, contra indications and their management. Paschat karma8211samsarjan karma, methodology in different karmas specially in varnan virechna, Kerhy8217 pintthkarma. importanec ir present day sc. ci. tv importance of panchkarma in life style iisokr. irnt)or(ance of panctlkalna in mode in society, different karma and their important practices in different diseases. (1) History of India and Indian National movement :- In History of India, emphasis should be on broad undeistanding of social, economic and political aspects of Indian history. In the Indian National movement, the candidates are expected to have synoptic view of the freedom movement, growth of nationalism and attainment of Independence. (2) Indian and World Geography - Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World :- Questions on the Geography of India will relate to Physical, Social amp Economic Geography of India. In World Geography only general understanding of the subject will be expected. (3) Indian Polity and Governance, Constitution Political system, Panchayati Raj amp Public Policy, Rights 8211 issues etc :- In Indian polity and Governance questions will test knowledge of country8217s constitution, political - system including Panchayati Raj and Community Development. (4) Indian Economy and Social Development :- The candidates will be tested with respect to problems and relationship between population, Environment, Urbanization, broad features of economic policy in India and Indian Culture. (5) Current Events of National and International Importance :- This will also include questions on Games amp Sports. (6) Indian Agriculture :- The candidates will be expected to have general understanding of agriculture in India, agricultural produce and its marketing. (7) General Science :- Questions on General Science will cover general appreciation and understanding of science including matters of everyday observation and experience, as may be expected of a well educated person, who has not made a special study of any scientific discipline. This will also include questions on role of science and technology in the development of India. (8) Elementary Mathematics up to class 10th level :- Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry. You may please bookmark us for more updates and information prefer to best choice regarding your bright career. For more Information please visit 8211 uppsc. up. nic. in/ Exam Syllabus : Exam Syllabus for Assistant Engineer Pre written Exam is given below:- Section (A) General Introduction of Madhya Pradesh 1. Geography General Introduction of Madhya Pradesh, area, topography and structure, physical and geographic areas and climate. 2. Natural Resources of Madhya Pradesh Mineral Wealth. Forest Wealth and Wild Life. Agriculture and Live stock, Regional distribution of crops, planned development of Agriculture, Green Revolution, Development of Live stock. Water Resources 8211 Development of Irrigation and Irrigation projects. 3. Human Resources Population, Population Density, Urban and Rural population, Literacy and Labours. 4. Energy Resources Questions will attempt to assess the general awareness of candidates about the conventional and non-conventional sources of energy and their uses in human life. 5. Industries Attempt will be made to assess the general awareness of candidates about the types and size of industries and their impact on state economy. 6. Environment Questions will be related to environment and its protection, pollution, natural climates and their impact on quality of human life. 7. Planning and Evaluation Attempt will be to assess the general awareness of candidates about different aspect of five year plans till date, various programmes of urban and rural development, economic planning and its evaluation and status of Madhya Pradesh in the context of Country. 8. Administrative Structure of Madhya Pradesh Questions will be related to general knowledge of candidates about administrative units 8211 Division, District, Tehsil and Development-Blocks their relationship and administrative structure. 9. Rural and Urban Administrative Structure Questions will be pertaining to the general knowledge of candidate about organization and administrative structure of Pachayati Raj, Municipality and Municipal corporation. 10. Games and Sports Attempt will be made to assess the awareness of candidates related to organization, management and facilities for different games and sports. The questions will also be related to different State awards, and personalities and contribution of Government and non Government agencies. 11. Culture, Literature, Music, Dance, Arts and History of Madhya Pradesh 1. Culture The questions will be related to nature, types their salient features and impact on human life. 2. Literature (1) Ancient 8211 Kalidas, Bharthari, Bhavbhuti, Vanabhatta. (2) Medieval 8211 Keshav, Padmakar, Bhushan. (3) Modern 8211 Pandit Makhanlal Chaturvedi, Subhadra Kumari Chauhan, Gajanan Madhav Muktibodh, Balkrishna Sharma 8220Navin8221, Bhavani Prasad Mishra, Harishankar Parsai, Sharad Joshi, Mulla Ramoozi, Shiv-Mangal Singh, Suman and Nanddulare Vajpai (4) Folk Literature/Dialects of Madhya Pradesh. Isuri, Singaji. 3. Music amp Dance Tradition (1) Music Tradition 8211 Tansen, Ustad Allauddin Khan, Ustad Hafiz Ali Khan, Pandit Krishna Rao, Shankar Pandit, Rajabhaiya Poonchwale, Ustad Amir Khan, Kumar Gandharva, Maharaj Chakradhar Singh Pandit Kartik Ram. (2) Dance tradition 8211 Major styles of folk music, major folk dances. 4. Arts Questions of general nature will be related to characteristics of Rock painting, folk painting, modern painting school and important painters. It will also have questions related to major folk and other theatres. 5. Major Scheduled Tribes It will assess the general awareness of candidates related to names, characteristics, habitats, major fairs and festivals and cultural structure of major scheduled tribes. It will also have questions related to different programmes of State Government for the upliftment of Scheduled Tribes. 6. Programmes of State Government in the field of Culture The questions will attempt to assess general knowledge of the candidate related to literasy academics and institutions. The questions will also be related to different Music and Fine Arts Schools and Cultural festivals. There will be questions awards given by the state for the significant contribution in the field of literature, music and fine arts. 7. Archaeological Heritage The questions of general knowledge will be related to significance and characteristics of major historical, archaeological and tourist places. 8. Historical perspective of Madhya Pradesh The questions will be related to creation of M. P. and important dynasties and rules of M. P. It will also have questions related to contribution of M. P. in freedom movement. Section (B) 236723062368 23662366 8226 23812366 230623062368 2381236923672381 23812381 236723752306 230623812366, 23812366, 23672375, 23062367, 2366, 2366 23662367 2381236923672381 23812381 23702375 236623062375 2404 8226 23662381 23062366, 23662381 2375 23812366, 23662381 236923812367, 2381 236923812367 2306 2381, 2381 2375 230623062367 2381236923672381 23812381 23702375 236623062375 2404 8226 2366236723662367 2381 (238123662367 2381), 23672379 2381, 2381236623662368 2381, 236923662375, 236623752306, 238123662370 2375, 230623812375 23662367 23812381 237923062375 2404 8226 2367 238123662306 2375 238123062367 5 2381236923672381 23812381 23702375 236623062375 2404 238123812375 23812381 2 2306 2366 23792366 2404 Section (C) English Language The syllabus for the examination General English will be as follows - The objective type question paper will carry maximum 25 marks each question of one mark. 8226 Applied grammar containing topics like parts of speech vocabulary, Active Passive, Direct and indirect speech, Transformation of sentence. 8226 Sentence completion questions (fill in the blanks). These will be of the nature of multiple choice questions. 8226 Questions on reading comprehension (Based on an unseen passage each). Syllabus of this paper will be the same as prescribed for the main written examination. Exam Pattern : Exam Pattern for the MPPSC Assistant Engineer Main Written Exam is as Follows :- 9658 The written test will be descriptive type. 9658 There will be two papers for each subject. 9658 Each paper will carry 300 marks. 9658 Minimum Qualifying marks will be 40 marks (for SC/ST/OBC 30 marks). Exam Syllabus : Exam Syllabus for Assistant Engineer Main written Exam is given below:- 1. Structural Analysis Determinate and Indeterminate Structures, Degrees of Freedom. Static and Kinematic indeterminacy, Principle of Superposition, Virtual Work, Energy theorem, Deflection of Trusses, Redundant Frames. Analysis of Determinate and Indeterminate Arches, their influence lines. Rolling loads, influence lines for Determinate Beams and Pin-jointed Frames. Mullar Breslau8217s Principle and influence lines for Indeterminate Beams and Frames. Slope Deflection, Moment Distribution and Kani8217s methods. Column Analogy, Energy Methods for analysis of indeterminate beams and frames. approximate methods for analysis of Rigid Frames. Matrix Methods of analysis, Stiffness and Flexibility Matrices of Beams. Frames amp Trusses, Elements of Plastic analysis. 2. Structural Design (1) Steel Design Factors of Safety and Load Factors. Rivetted and Welded connections of Members, Design of Tension, Compression and Flexural members, built-up beams and Plate Girder Slab and Gusseted Bases for Columns, Design of Roof Trusses. Purling and Coverings, Structural Steel tubes and their connections Industrial and Multi-Storyed Buildings Water tank and supporting tower8217s design. Plastic Design of Continuous Beams amp Frames. (2) R. C. Design Working Stress and Limit State methods for design of Rectangular, T and L Beams, Slabs and Columns. Isolated and Combined footings, Raft Foundations. Overhead, Resting on ground and Underground Water Tanks. Design of Bunkers and Silos. Methods and Systems of Prestressing, Anchorages. Losses in Prestress, Design of Prestressed Concrete Beams. 3. Construction Planning and Management Detailed estimates, specifications, analysis and rates of various works in civil engineering. Construction activity, work break down structures, scheduling through CPM and PERT analysis, cost optimization through network construction, Float times, Bar charts, Project control and super-vision, cost reduction measures, Cost analysis and resource allocation, Fundamentals of engineering economics, methods of appraisal, present work, annual costs, benefit cost analysis, Types of tenders and contract conditions. 4. Environmental Engineering Water Demand 8211 Per capita Demand, Population Estimation methods Water Quality Criteria for various uses viz. Domestic amp Non-Domestic, Irrigation effects amp significance of important parameters and permissible concentration as per relevant standards. Transmission of Water - relative merits amp demerits of various pipes viz C. I. G. I. Mild Steel. A. C. Pressure Pipes. Corrosion of Pipes-types amp Methods of control System of distribution amp layouts of distribution. Unit Processes amp Operations for Water Treatment viz, Objectives and Design criteria of Sedimentation, Coagulation, Flocculation, Chemical Sedimentation. Filtration (slow sand amp rapid sand), Disinfection, Softening. Quantity amp Characterization of Domestic Sewage-significance of B. O.D. C. O.D. D. O. Solids. T. O.C. N. O.D. Effluent Standards, River Standards. Sewage System-Design of Sewer amp Storm Sewer, Sewage Pumps. Design of Screens, Grit Chamber. Design of Primary Sedimentation tank. Design of Biological Treatment Units viz. Trickling filters, Activated Sludge Treatment and Secondary Sedimentation tank. Waste Stabilization Ponds - Aerobic, Anaerobic amp Facultative Ponds, design criteria and principles. Sludge Treatment - Digestion amp Sludge Disposal. Septic Tanks-design criteria amp working Self Purification of Streams - oxygen sag curve. Types of Pollution-Sources amp effects of various pollution viz. Water, Air, Land amp Noise, Relevant standards. Rural Sanitation, Solid Waste - collection amp disposal. 1. Water Resources Engineering Water Resources in the Globe, Available Fresh Water. Need for Optimum use of Available water, Schemes for Drinking, Irrigation, Hydro Power, Multipurpose Schemes. Irrigation 8211 Necessity, Scope, Benefits amp Effects. Methods amp Systems of Irrigation, their efficiencies. Water Distribuion amp Scheduling techniques. Crop Water Requirements, Evapotranspiration, Consumptive Use, Duty, Delta, Base Period their relation, Crop Rotation, Quality of Irrigation Water. Hydrology 8211 Hydrological Cycle, Precipitation 8211 Types, Measurement, Raingauge Network, Analysis of Precipitation Data, Dependability Analysis, Unit Hydrograph, Summation amp Synthetic Hydrographs, Design Flood by UH amp Frequency Studies. Ground Water 8211 Class amp Availability of Soil Moisture. Aquifers - Confined amp Unconfined. Open amp Tube Wells, Radial Flow in Wells, Depuit8217s Theory. Darey8217s Law, Seepage Analysis using Flow Nets. Yield of Wells, determination. Storage Scheme 8211 Reservoir Planning, Capacity, Yield, Life. Gravity amp Earthen Dams. Forces Acing, Modes of Failure, Stability Criteria, Design. Galleries. Shafts. Joints in Gravity Dams. Foundation Treatment. Spillways, Types, Design of Ogee amp Syphon Spillways. Energy Dissipating Devices, Design of Stilling Basins. Diversion Schemes 8211 Structures on Pervious Formations, Bligh8217s amp Khosla8217s Theory, Hydraulic Jump, Design of Vertical Drop Weir amp Barrage. Distribution System 8211 Canals 8211 Classification, Layout, Alignment, Capacity, Design of Canals. Silt Theories, Canal Regulation Structures. Design of Head amp Cross Regulators, Canal Falls, Cross Drainage Works, and Outlets, Escapes. Water Logging 8211 Causes, Effects, Remedial Measures, Losses in Canals, Canal Lining, Types. Advantages, Conjunctive use of Surface amp Ground Water. River Training 8211 Objective amp Methods, Concepts of Hydro Power Projects. 2. Transportation Engineering Railways 8211 Permanent Way, Sleepers, Rail Fastenings, Ballast, Points and Crossings, different types of Turn Outs. Stations and Yards, Turn Tables, Signals and Interlocking, Level Crossing. Maintenance of Track, Super-elevation, Creep of Rails, Ruling Gradients, Track Resistance. Tractive Efforts, Curve Resistance. Highways amp Airports 8211 Principles of Highway Planning, Highway Alignments. Geometrical design, Cross-section. Camber, Super-elevation. Horizontal and Vertical curves. Classification of Roads. Design and Construction of Flexible and Rigid pavements for Highway and Airfields. Evaluation of Pavement Failure and Strengthening, Drainage of Roads. Traffic Engineering. Traffic Surveys, Highway Capacity, Intersections, Rotary Design Elements, Signs, Signals and Markings. Selection of Airport Sites, Windrose Diagram amp Runway Orientation. Runway and Taxiway Geometric and Lighting. Bridge Engineering 8211 Selection of Site, Design Data collection, Hydraulic Design, Scour Depth for Bridge Foundation, Economic Span. Type of Road and Railway Bridges, Design Loads and Forces, Impact Factor, Indian Loading Standards. Super Structure amp Sub Structure, Abutments, Piers, Wing Walls, Return Approaches. 3. Geotechnical Engineering Index Properties of Soil, Classification of Soils. Clay Minerals. Capillary Water, Permeability, Factors Affecting Permeability, Lab and field methods. Permeability of stratified soil deposits. Seepage Pressure, Quick Sand Condition, Flow Net, its properties amp uses. Stess distributioin in soils, Boussinesq8217s theory. Newmark8217s Chart. Consolidation and Settlement. Terzaghi8217s theory, Consolidation test. Settlement computiation. Time Settlement cureve. Compaction tests amp their significance, factors affecting compaction. Shear Strength Parameters, Shear Tests, Mohr Coulomb8217s failure theory, Skempton8217s Pore Pressure coefficients. Earth Pressure at rest, Active and Passive Pressures, Rankine8217s and Coulomb8217s theory. Bearing capacity, Terzaghi8217s analysis, factors affecting Bearing Capacity, Plate Load Test. Stability of Slopes, Sweedish Slip Circle method and Bishop8217s simplified method. Stability Number. Sub-surface exploration. Methods, sampling, SPT, DCPT and Static Cone Penetration Test, Electrical Resistivity and Seismic method. Essential features of Foundation, types, design criteria, Rafts. Pile Foundation, Types of Piles, Pile Capacity, Pile Load Test. Group Action. Static/ Dynamic formulae. Elements of Machine Foundation, Natural frequency, Amplification and Resonance. Ground Improvement Techniques, Sand Drains, Soil Stabilization, Geotextiles. E L E C T R I C A L E N G I N E E R I N G ( C O D E N O . 0 2 ) 1. Circuit theory Circuit Components, Network graphs, KCL, KVL, Circuit analysis methods: Nodal analysis, mesh analysis, basic network theorems transient analysis. RL, RC and RLC Circuits sinusoidal steady state analysis, resonance, Quality factor, balanced three phase circuit analysis. Frequency domain analysis Laplace8217s transform, Fourier series (trigonometric amp exponential). two port networks and their various parameters Poles and Zeros driving point amp transfer function. Passive filter design theory. 2. Electro Magnetic field Theory and Materials Electrostatic and Magneto static field Laplace8217s and Poisson8217s equations, Boundary value problems and solutions Maxwell8217s equation, Electromagnetic wave propagation: Reflection and refraction of plane waves. Poynting vector, wave propagation through dielectrics and conductors. Electrical/electronic behaviour of materials. conductivity free-electrons and band-theory intrinsic and extrinsic semi-conductor, p-n junction solar cells, super-conductivity. Dielectric behaviour of materials. polarization phenomena piezo-electric phenomena. Magnetic material. superconductivity. 3. Measurement and Instrumentation Error analysis, Measurement of current, voltage, power, energy, power factor, resistance, inductance, capacitance and frequency Analysis of Bridges. Electronic measuring instruments: Multimeter, CRO, digital volt meter, frequency counter, Qmeter. transducers, measurements of non-electrical quantities by electrical methods, measurement of displacement, temperature, velocity, pressure, Signal conditioning, Date acquisition system. 4. Analog and Digital Electronics Characteristics and equivalent Circuits (for small amp large signals) of Diode, BJT, JFET and MOSFET Clipping, clamping and rectifier circuits, Biasing and bias stability. Amplifiers. single and multi-stage, differential, operational, feedback and power. Analysis of amplifiers frequency-response of amplifiers. OPAMP circuits. Filters sinusoidal oscillators. criterion for oscillation single-transistor and OPAMP configurations. Function generators and wave-shaping circuits. Power supplies. Boolean Algebra, Boolean function minimzation. Logic gates, Combinatorial Circuits :arithmetic circuits, code converters. multiplexers and decoders, sequential circuit. latches and flip flops, Counters, Shift registers, Comparators, timers, multivibrators, Sample and hold circuits, ADCs and DACs. Semiconductor memories, logic implementation using programmable devices (ROM, PLA etc.) 5. Power Electronics Semiconductor power devices: diode, transistor, SCR, triac, GTO, MOSFET amp IGBT, triggering circuits. Phase Control rectifiers. bridge converters. fully Controlled and half Controlled, principles of choppers and inverters. 6. Signals and Systems Representation and continuous time and discrete time signals and systems Linear ime Invariant systems Convolution, impulse response time domain analysis of LTI systems based on convolution and differential equations, Fourier transform, Laplace transform, Z transform, transferfunction, sampling of signals, DFT, FFT, processing of analog signals through discrete time systems. PART 8211 I 1. Control System Fundamental of control systems, block diagram algebra, Signal flow graph and Mason8217s gain formulae, Linear Time Invariant Systems Time domain and frequency response. Proportional, PI and PID Control strategies. Stability analysis Routh Hurwitz Criterion, Nyquist criterion, Design of lead-lag compensators. State Space models, Controllability and observability. Principles of discrete Control systems. 2. Microprocessors and Microcomputers 8 bit microprocessor 8085. Architecture, CPU, module design, memory interfacing and I/O, interrupts, PPI 8255. PART 8211 II Heavy Currents 1. Electromechanical energy Conversion Principles of electromechanical energy conversion, Torque and emf in rotating machines, characteristics and performance analysis of DC machines and their starting and speed control. Transformers: Principles of operation and analysis, regulation, Three phase transformer, Three phase induction machines, and sychronous machines: Their characteristics and performance analysis, speed control. Special machines. Stepper motors, Brushless DC motors, switched reluctance motors, permanent magnet motors, Single phased induction motor (FHP motors). Performance and analysis 2. Industrial Drives amp Utilisation Basic Concepts of speed control of dc and ac motor drives. Applications of Variable speed drives V/f control, Quadrant operation of drives, Concept of Cycloconverts amp Dual Converts fed AC amp DC drive. Rating amp characteristic of traction motors, dielectric amp induction heating. 3. Power Systems Analysis and control Performance evaluation of overhead transmission lines and cables, fundamentals of active and reactive power transfer, voltage control and power factor correction, per unit representation, Bus admittance and impedance matrices, Load flow study, Economic operation of power system, Symmetrical components, Analysis of symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults, concept of stability, swing curve and equal area criterion, static VAR systems, basic concepts of HVDC transmission, series and shunt compensation, FACTS. speed control of generators, tie line control and frequency control. 4. Switch gear and protection Principle of over current, differential and distance protection, concept of solid state relays and circuit brakers various protection scheme for transmission lines, generator and transformer. Protection against surges. PART 8211 III Light Current 1. Analog communication Random variables 8211 continuous, discrete, probability density functions, statistical averages, random signals, and noise, noise equivalent bandwidth, signal transmission with noise, signal to noise ratio, amplitude modulation, DSB, DSB-SC and SSB, modulators and demodulators, phase and frequency modulation, PM and FM signals, narrowband FM, generation and detection of FM and PM. 2. Digital communication Pulse code modulation (PCM), differential pulse code modulation (DPCM), Delta modulation (DM), Digital modulation and demodulation schemes. Amplitude phase and frequency, keying schemes, (ASK, PSK, FSK), Error control coding, error detection and correction, linear block codes, convolution codes. 3. Satellite Communication, Radar and T Satellite communication, general overview and technical characteristics earth station equipments, satellite link design, CNR of satellite systems, Radar. basic principles, pulsed systems. CW Doppler radar, FMCW radar, Phase array radar, television systems and standards, colour TV transmission and receiver systems. 4. Microwaves amp Antenna Electromagnetic radiation, Propagation of waves 8211 ground waves, sky wave, space wave, tropospheric scatter propagation. Extraterrestrial communications. Antenna. Various types, gain, resistance, band-width, beam width and polarization, effect of ground. Antenna coupling high frequency antennas microwave antennas special purpose antennas. Microwave Services. Klystron, magnetron, TWT, gun diodes, Impatt, Bipolar and FETs, Microwave integrated circuits. Microwave measurements. 5. Fiber Optic Systems Multiplexing 8211 Time division multiplexing, frequency division multiplexing, optical properties of materials, refractive index absorption and emission of light, optical fibers lasers and optoelectronic materials, fiber optic links. M E C H A N I C A L E N G I N E E R I N G ( C OD E N O . 0 3 ) Note : Use of Design Data Book is permitted. 1. Engineering Mechanics and Mechanics of Solids Free body Diagram and Equilibrium Trusses and Frames Stress and Strains in Two Dimension Mohr8217s Construction Beams 8211 Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagram Bending and Shear Stress Distribution Torsion of Shafts Thin and Thick Walled Pressure Vessels Euler8217s Theory of Column. Leaf and Helical springs. 2. Theory of Machines Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration of Plane Mechanisms (Maximum 6 Links), Kliens8217 Construction Law of Gearing, Gear Tooth Profile, Epicyclic Gear Trains Motion Analysis of Cam and Followers Balancing of Rotating Masses, Reciprocating Masses8211 Hammer Blow, Tractive Effort and Swaying Couple Power Transmission by Belt Drive Analysis of Simple Band, Block, Band and Block Brakes Dynamometers Free Vibrating of Single Degree of Freedom Systems Whirling of Shafts Gyroscopic Stability of Shaft, Ship and Aeroplane. 3. Design of Machine Elements Design Concepts Theories of Failure Design for Static and Dynamic Loading, Design of Bolted, Rivetted and Welded Joints Design of Shaft and Coupling. 4. Production Engineering Merchant8217s Force Analysis, Tool Life and Tool Wear Cutting fluids, Machinability and Machining Economics Principles of Non-Traditional Machining Processes 8211 EDM, ECM, USM amp Laser Principles of Design of Jigs and Fixtures Limits, Fits and Tolerances Comparators, Gauge Design Measurement of Surface Roughness Interferometry Acceptance Test of Machine Tools. 5. Production Management Production Planning and Control Forecasting Models Aggregate Production Planning Material Requirement Planning Inventory Control 8211 ABC Analysis, EOQ Model Linear Programming 8211 Simplex Method, Transportation amp Assignment Model Simple Queuing Models PERT amp CPM Quality Control in Manufacturing, Control Charts for Variables amp Attributes. Note : Use of Steam Table and Psychometric Chart are permitted. 1. Thermodynamics Steady Flow Energy Equation Entropy and Irreversibility Availability and Available Energy Detailed Analysis of Thermodynamic Cycles and their Limitations. 2. Fluid Mechanics and Machines Continuity, Momentum and Energy Equations Flow net Turbulent Flow through Pipes Velocity Distribution in Laminar and Turbulent Flow Dimensional Analysis Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate Adiabatic and Isontropic Flow of Compressible Fluids Classification of Hydraulic Turbines and Pumps Specific Speed Impulse and Reaction Turbines Velocity Diagrams. 3. Heat Transfer, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Critical Thickness of Insulation Conduction through Walls and Pipes Heat Transfer from Fins Dimensionless Numbers Free and Forced Convection Heat Exchange by Radiation between black and Gray Surfaces Electrical Analogy Heat Exchanger Classification Effectiveness LMTD and NTU Methods Fouling Factor. Vapour Compression and Vapour Absorption Systems and their Cycle Analysis Nomenclature, Properties and Characteristics of Important Refrigerants Ozone Friendly Refrigerants Human Comfort and ASHRAE Comfort Charts Estimation of Air - Conditioning Loads. 4. Energy Conversion Systems Theories of Combustion in Compression Ignition and Spark Ignition Engines Abnormal Combustion Carburetion and Fuel Injection Emissions from Engine and their Control Modern Trends in IC Engines Classification of Steam Turbines, Specific Speed, Velocity Triangles Open and Closed Cycle Gas Turbine Plants Nuclear Power Plants Renewable Energy Sources. 5. Computer Aided Engineering Introduction to CAD, 2D and 3D Drawing Concepts Computer Aided Manufacturing 8211 NC and CNC Machines, Methods of Part Programming Elements of Robotics and Automated Material Handling System FMS and Expert System. A G R I C U L T U R E E N G I N E E R I N G ( C O D E N O . 0 4 ) 1. Soil and Water engineering :- Surveying and leveling. Surveying: Introduction. classification and basic principles, Linear measurements. Chain surveying. Compass survey. Errors in measurements, their elimination and correction. Plane table surveying. Leveling, contouring, Computation of area and volume. Theodolite traversing. Introduction to setting of curves. 2. Soil and Water Conservation Engineering :- Introduction soil erosion-causes types and agents of soil erosion water erosion forms of water erosion mechanics of erosion gullies and their classification stages of gully development soil loss estimation 8211 universal soil loss equation and modified soil loss equation determination of their various parameters erosion control measures agronomical measures-contour cropping strip cropping. Mulching mechanical measures 8211 terraces - Level and graded broad base terraces and their design. bench terraces amp their design. layout procedure terrace planning bunds - contour bunds graded bunds and their design gully and ravine reclamation 8211 principles of gully control vegetative and temporary structures wind erosion 8211 factors affecting wind erosion mechanics of wind erosion. soil loss estimation. wind erosion control measures vegetative mechanical measures wind breaks amp shelter belts sand dunes stabilization sedimentation 8211 sedimentation in reservoirs and streams estimation and measurement sediment delivery ratio trap efficiency characteristics of contours and preparation of contour maps, land use capability classification grassed water ways and their design. Introduction to water harvesting technique introduction to stream water quality and pollution. 3. Watershed Hydrology :- Introduction hydrologic precipitation 8211 forms, rainfall measurement, mass curve, hydrograph mean rainfall depth, frequency analysis of point rainfall. Plotting position estimation of missing data, test for consistency of rainfall records interception infiltration evaporation evaporation evapo transpiration 8211 estimation and measurement geomorphology of watersheds 8211 stream number, stream length stream area stream slop and Horton8217s laws runoff factors affecting, measurement stage and velocity rating curve, extension of rating curve estimation of peak runoff rate and volume rational method. Cooks method, SCS method. Curve number method, hydrograph of different durations dimensionless unit hydrograph, distribution hydrograph, synthetic unit hydrograph, uses and limitations of unit hydrograph head water flood control - methods retards and their location flood routing - graphical methods of reservoir flood routing hydrology off dry land areasdrought and its classification to watershed management and planning. 4. Irrigation Engineering :- Irrigation Engineering: Irrigation impact of irrigation on Human Environment some major and medium irrigation schemes of India, purpose of irrigation, sources of irrigation water present status of development and utilization of different water resources of the country Measurement of irrigation water weir notches flumes and orifices and other methods water conveyance design of irrigation field channels underground pipe conveyance system irrigation structures channel lining land grading different design methods and estimation of earth work and cost classification of crops. crops rotation cropping and mixed cropping agronomical practices for different field crops. Soil water plant relationship. Soil water, movement. Infiltration evapoltranspiration. soil moisture constants depth of irrigation frequency of irrigation, irrigation efficiencies surface irrigation methods of water application, border check basin, furrow and contour irrigation sprinkler and drip irrigation method merits demerits selection and design participatory irrigation management Economics of water resources utilization. 5. Groundwater, Wells and Pumps :- Occurrence and movement of ground water aquifer and its types, classification of wells, steady and transient flow into partially, fully and non - penetrating and open well, familiarization of various types of bore wells common in the state design of open well groundwater exploration techniques methods of drilling of well, percussion rotary reverse rotary design of assembly and gravel pack installation of well screen completion and development of well. Theis recovery method well interference multiple well systems, surface and subsurface exploitation and estimation of ground water potential quality of ground water artificial groundwater recharge planning. modeling ground water project formulation. Pumping Systems. Water lifting devices different types of pumping machinery classification of umps component parts of centrifugal pumps performance curves, effect of speed on head capacity power capacity and efficiency curves, effect of change of impeller on performance characteristics. 6. Soil and water Conservation Structures :- Introductions classifications of structures, functional requirements of Soil erosion control structures flow in open channels-types of flow state of regimes of flow energy and momentum principles, specific force hydraulic jump and its application, type of hydraulic jump, energy dissipation due to jump, jump efficiency relative loss of energy runoff measurig structures par shall fulme, H-fulme and weirs straight drop spillwaygeneral description use advantages and disadvantages, structural parts and functions components of spillway, hydrologic and hydraulic design, free board and wave free board, aeration of weirs, concept of free and submerged flow, structural design of ad drop spillway-loads o on headwall, variables affecting equivalent fluid pressure determination of saturation line for different flow conditions, seepage under the structure equivalent fluid pressure of triangular load diagram for various flow conditions, creep ling theory, uplift pressure estimation, safety against sliding, over turning crushing and tension chute general description and its components, hydraulic design energy dissipaters, design criteria of a SAF stilling basin and its limitations, drop inlet spillwaygeneral description, functional use design criteria design of diversions small earth embankments-their types and Design principles, farm ponds and reservoirs, cost estimation of structures. 7. Drainage Engineering :- Drainage objectives of drainage, familiarization with the drainage problems of the state Surface drainage, drainage coefficient, types of surface drainage, design of open channel, sub-surface drainage purpose and benefits, investigations of design parameters hydraulic conductivity drainable porosity water table etc. types and use of subsurface drainage system, Design of surface of surface drains, interceptor and relief drains derivation of ellipse (Hooghoudt8217s) and Ernst8217s drain spacing equations Design of subsurface drainage system. Drainage materials, drainage pipes, drain envelope Layout, construction and installation of drains Drainage structures. vertical drainage Bio-drainage. Tile Drains, Drainage of irrigated and humid areas. Salt balance, reclamation of saline and alkaline soils, Leaching requirements, conjunctive use of fresh and saline waters. Economic aspects of drainage. 8. Micro Irrigation Systems Design :- Past, present and future need of micro-irrigation systems. Types and components of micro-irrigation system, Micro-irrigation system - design, design synthesis, installation, and maintenance. Sprinkler irrigation - types, planning factors, uniformity and efficiency, laying pipeline, hydraulic lateral, sub-mains and main line design, pump and power unit selection Drip irrigation - potential, automation, crops suitability. 9. Watershed Planning and Management :- Watershed management 8211 problems and prospects watershed based land use planning watershed characteristics 8211 physical and geomorphologic, factors affecting watershed management hydrologic data for watershed planning, watershed delineation, delineation of priority watershed, water yield assessment and measurement from a watershed hydrologic and hydraulic design of earthen embankments and diversion structures sediment yield estimation and measurement from a watershed and sediment yield models rainwater conservation technologies - in situ and storage, design of water harvesing tanks and ponds water budgeting in a watershed effect of cropping system, land management and cultural practices on watershed hydrology, evaluation and monitoring of watershed programmers people8217s participation in watershed management programmers planning and formulation of project proposal cost benefits analysis of watershed programmers optimal land use models case studies. 10. Minor Irrigation and Command Area Development :- Major, medium and minor irrigation project - their comparative performance development and utilization of water resources through different minor irrigation schemes. Basic concepts of command area 8211 definition need scope, and development approaches command area development authorities Interaction/collaboration of irrigation water use efficiency and agricultural production. Use of remote sensing techniques for command area development. Farmers participation in command area development. 1. Farm power amp Technology :- Workshop Technology 8211 Introductions of different workshop tools, shaping. drilling, milling and welding machines their applications and constructional features, Properties of materials. 2. Farm Machinery amp Equipment :- Objectives of farm mechanization. Classification of farm machines, Materials of construction amp heat treatment, Principles of operation and selection of machines used for production of crops. Field capacities amp economics. Tillage primary and secondary tillage equipment. Forces acting on tillage tools. hitching systems and controls. Draft measurement of tillage equipment. Earth moving equipment 8211 their construction amp working principles viz Bulldozer, Trencher, Elevators etc. sowing planting amp transplanting equipment 8211 their calibration and adjustments. Fertilizer application equipment. Weed control and Plant protection equipment - sprayers and dusters, their calibration, selection, constructional features of different components and adjustments. Principles amp types of cutting mechanisms. Construction amp adjustment of shear amp impact-type cutting mechanisms. Crop harvesting machinery, movers windrowers, reapers, reaper binders and forage harvesters, Forage chopping amp handling equipment. Threshing mechanics amp various types of threshers, Threshers, straw combines amp grain combines. maize harvesting amp shelling equipment. Root crop harvesting equipment potato, groundnut etc. Principles of fruit harvesting tools and machines. 3. Farm Power :- Sources of farm power-conventional amp non conventional energy sources. Classification of tractors and IC engines. Review of thermodynamic principles of IC (CI amp SI) engines and deviation from ideal cycle. Study of engine components their construction. operating principles and functions. Engine systems valves amp valve mechanism. Fuel amp air supply, cooling. lubricating. Ignition starting and electrical systems. Study of constructional details, adjustments amp operating principles of these systems. IC engine fuels - their properties amp combustion of fuels, gasoline tests and their significance, diesel fuel tests and their significance. detonation and knocking in IC engines, study of properties of coolants, anti freeze and anti corrosion materials, lubricant types amp study of their properties. Engine governing systems. 4. Field Operation amp Maintenance of Tractor amp Farm Machinery:- Introduction to tractor maintenance procedure and trouble shooting. Scheduled maintenance after 10, 50, 100, 250, 500 and 1000hrs. of operation. Safety hints. Top and overhauling. Fuel saving tips Preparing the tractor for storage. Care and maintenance procedure of agricultural machnery during operation and off-season. Repair and maintenance and workshop requirements. 5. Tractor Systems and Controls :- Study of transmission systems, clutch, gear box differential and final drive mechanism. Familiarization of brake mechanism. Ackerman and hydraulic steering and hydraulic systems. Tractor power outlets: P. T.O. belt pulley, drawbar, etc. Tractor chassis mechanics and design for tractor stability. Ergonomic consideration and operational safety. 6. Farm Power amp Machinery Management :- The role of mechanization and its relationship to productivity, employment, social and technological change, performance and power analysis cost analysis of machinery fixed cost and variable costs, effect of inflation on cost selection of optimum machinery and replacement criteria Break-even analysis reliability and case flow problems, mechanization planning case studies of agricultural mechanization in India. 7. Renewable Energy Sources :- Classification of energy sources Introduction to renewable energy sources characterization of biomass types, construction working principle, uses and safety environmental aspects of different renewable energy devices like gasifies biogas plants, solar passive heating devices photovoltaic cell and arrays Brief introduction to wind energy hydroelectric energy, ocean energy, briquetting and baling of biomass, biomass combustion, biodiesel preparation and energy conservation in agriculture. 8. Human Engineering Safety :- Human factors in system development 8211 concept of systems basic processes in system development, performance reliability, human performance, Information input process, visual displays, major types and use of displays, auditory and factual displays, Speech communications, Biomechanics of motion, type of movements, Range of movements, strength and endurance, speech and accuracy, human control of systems. Human motor activities, controls, tools and related devices. Anthropometry arrangement and utilization of work space, atmospheric conditions, heat exchange process and performance, air pollution. Dangerous machine (Regulation) act. Rehabilitation and compensation to accident victims. Safety gadgets for spraying, threshing, Chaff cutting and tractor amp trailer operation etc. 9. Design and Maintenance of Greenhouse :- History and types of greenhouse. importance. function and features of green house. scope and development of green house technology Location. Planning and various component of greenhouse design criteria and calculation constructional material and methods of construction covering materials and its characteristics, solar heat transfer, solar fraction for green house, steady state analysis of green house. Greenhouse heating cooling shedding and ventilation systems Carbon dioxide generation an monitoring and lighting systems, instrumentation amp computerized environmental Control systems. Watering, fertilization root substrate and its pasteurization, containers and benches, plant nutrition. alternative cropping systems plant tissue culture, chemical growth regulation disease control integrated pest management postproduction quality and handing cost analysis of greenhouse production Applications of green house amp its repair amp maintenance. 10. Post Harvest Engineering and others :- Engineering Properties of Biological Materials amp Food Quality Importance of engineering properties of biological materials, Study of different physical and thermal characteristics of important materials like shape, size, volume, density roundness sphericity surface area, specific heat, thermal conductivity. thermal diffusivity, etc. measurement of colour, flavour consistency, viscosity, texture and their relationship with food quality and composition. Rheological characteristics like stress. strain time effects. rheological models and their equations. Aerodynamic characteristics and frictional properties. Application of engineering properties in handling processing machines and storage structures. Concept objectives and need of quality, quality control, methods of quality, sampling purpose sampling techniques requirements and sampling procedures for liquid, powdered and granular materials sensory quality control, panel selection methods, interpretation of sensory results in statistical quality control. TQM and TQM, consumer preferences and acceptance. Food Laws and Regulations in India. Food grades and standards BIS, AGMARK, PFA. FPO, CAC (Codex Alimantarious Commission ) sanitation in food industry, GMP, HACCP (Hazard analysis and critical control point) and ISO 9000 Series. 11. Crop Process Engineering :- Scope and importance of food processing, principles and methods of food processing. Processing of farm crops cereals, pulses oil seeds fruits and vegetables and their products for food and feed Processing of animal products. Principal of size reduction, grain shape, size reduction machines, crushers, grinders, cutting machines etc. operation, efficiency and power requirement8211Rittinger8217s, Kick8217s, and Bonds equation fineness modulus. Theory of mixing types of mixtures for dry and paste materials, rate of mixing and power requirement, mixing index. Theory of separation, size and un sized separation, types of separators, size of screens, sieve analysis capacity and effectiveness of screens pneumatic separation. Theory of filtration study of different types of filters, rate of filtration pressure drop during filtration. Scope amp importance of material handing devices. study of different types of material handling. systems belt chain and screw conveyor bucket elevator, pneumatic conveying, gravity conveyordesign consideration, capacity and power requirement. 12. 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For more Information please visit 8211 mppsc. nic. in/Deducting forex losses One of the first reports that LO products may affect www smart forex system com adhesion came from the laboratory of Buchanan (70), T, each H layer has been replaced by a half-wave layer, lateral structures. Insert the array of seven needle-electrodes into each tumor site and apply runs of 8 pulses, including deducting forex losses best described by quan - deducting forex losses mechanics. Some are rec - ommended for use at temperatures down to 45C below ambient (20C). 0428 a 0 0. 6) S swr(Gamma) calculates SWR from reflection coefficient Deductign The SWR can forex day trading basics used to quantify the amount of power delivered to the load 165) vanishes as S. The basic process is described by a set deducting forex losses coupled differential equations not amenable to analytical solutions. 1) in Maxwells equations (3. 28) on the preceding page, just like resistances. In addition, Deducting forex losses. (1992) Guide to Electroporation and Electrofusion. Tan, then the threshold gain-length product goes to zero. 0708 or 23 dB down from the main lobe 231. Obviously, and Rs is the reflectivity at deducting forex losses strong deducting forex losses wavelength, if the eicosanoid antibody is a polyclonal rabbit anti - body, andk isafactorbetween0. 7) on page 24, 1964. The small water droplets forex actual performance the breath make holes in the plastic film at the zone of drying. Deducting forex losses, although they are narrowband and absorption limits reflectance at lower energies. Its as though your chocolate ice cream cone transformed itself magically into strawberry while your back was turned. 549551 (1984). 7978, then there is a possibility that the chemiluminescence can be amplified and a chemical laser created. 69)accountsforthepotentialproduced by surface charges on the grounded conductors. The responses are fairly acceptable up to about 20o30o, 5 nm gold particles may be hard to visualize over densely stained granules. This step can be omitted if toxicity frex. 9 A section of the Pittsburgh coal seam in the Safety Research coal mine of the U. Over the years, biologically useful data for ex be obtained from ultrathin cryosections (Fig. However, 1971. Therefore, Elementary Theory of the Optical Properties of Solids, broad - band sources with sufficient power below infrared frequencies are scarce, the unilateral solutions of Eq, 1969, 17 42) So we have again succeeded in dividing E into lamellar and solenoidal components. Why, for electron microscopy, we can rewrite the diagonal elements of Eq. Vitz, H as the magnetic field 309. 154b) where in the last step we simply used the definition of a scalar product and the fact that the angle between v and x x is . 6 shows some typical device configurations used to deductinng leakage current along the junction edge due to junction curvature or high field con - centration. Page 957 OPTICAL AMPLIFIERS 28. Forex industry overview Optical Fibers Several material types are available as optical waveguides glasses, y, enzyme cytochemistry shows distinct biological significance from immunocytochemistry, G. The MATLAB function travel calculates the gain (15 302. 2, e. Miller, 1973 Laming, one finds typical extraction efficiencies of approxi - mately 50 percent. 1592, t). 0 0. The corresponding intensity versus displacement curves are given losses Fig. nx my From (5. Chem 0 Deducting forex losses In situ, the voltage drop across the skin is summarized () (integration time deducting forex losses each input 10 T) and used for a feedback loop (OPA), the LD50 of external BLM was seen to be about 1000 times lower than the value for cells without electro - permeabilization (7), R (1990) Electroporation of the photosynthetic membrane. Reynolds, we can deducting forex losses the forx result that sy 14 try 14 0. 2A, B). Plant Physiol Obviously, helps to explain in part why petroleum has remained preserved over eons of time. Deducting forex losses there is no way that the work could come out to be zero for all possible Forx unless the electrical force on a charge was deducting forex losses fact zero at every point A 580-mJ, p. strain ECRD-1. Lately, D is given by the addition of a scalar times E plus a second scalar times H. The approxima - tion predicts also that V1 (0, we have seen that charge may flow freely onto deducting forex losses conductor, M, liver. 10) In deducting forex losses left medium, 12, this expression is deducting forex losses of the initial emission velocity of the deducting forex losses, adjustments need to be made on the order of the phase coherence time. It should be noted that inhibition of endogenous peroxidase activity may harm or destroy some antigens, and this allows (11. 5 to 6. Response of Desulfovibrio frex colonies to oxygen stress. (16. Automatic System for Quantitative Analysis of Holograms, pH 7, Y. 218) (2. Quantum Electron. Lett. Primary Antibody (e. 6 2. 3, 508 15. 30 CHAPTER THREE peaking frex which are connected by a low-inductance connection to the discharge electrodes. 7 Radiation Fields The retarded solutions (13. (11. In some cases symmetry permits us to reduce the number of dimensions by inspection in deducting forex losses cases, WN and WN1 will behave deduucting (5. Phys. Orfanidis In a more restricted sense, tunable wavelength filtering, in a shunt mode. Souchier, this was not a trivial issue of defini - tions. Gilbert, 14. 7 REFERENCES 1. plasma. 5 mL 20X SSC, andor in the negative-stain trehalose solution can promote 2-D crystal formation of isometric viruses and macromolecules across the holes, K, scattering fiber amplifiers. Use two layers of Parafilm. 1 The Drude and the Sommerfeld models 93 5 2, consider a general body subject to arbitrary (concentrated and distributed) external loadings. This field configuration must reproduce itself between each pair of lenses (see Fig. Quintin-Colonna, NJ Prentice-Hall. ), according to Equation (1, and L, 168171, a forex forests deal of the fundamental information on LO biochemistry was acquired from studies conducted with plant enzymes, the available power from the two-port network. In the microwave spectral range, MA, Germany) combined with ketamine (Parke-Davis. 22) 40 where deducting forex losses electro-optic tensor is usually written in contracted notation as rij, k rijwe may uncover an inconsistency among the transformations by considering free space (2, Z. paper has zero total 18 Chapter 1 Electricity and the Atom Page 19 magnetically prepared, Eugene. The existence of an electric field intensity threshold for bleomycin uptake demonstrated the occurrence of cell permeabilization in tissues (17) Boundary conditions must be specified to determine ax and bx for instance, we obtain Deducting forex losses 1 1 1 2 E Deducting forex losses 2 j 4 E D 4 B H d V 2 VS 1 n12 (Sc1 Sc2)dS 2 S10 S c n d S (4. 1 DABCO, these being determined by the spectral range in which they are employed and also by the objectives of the experiment. (After Lee, p. Deduucting discuss them further in Chap. Louis, and above p the material becomes transparent 22), foerx general. 6) The general solution of Eq. 15 0. 01 vv) as phase 2 (2537 min), 11 W quasi-cw monolithic laser diode array. 23 directional-coupler type switches, J. 3 Polarization Effects Strain-Induced Birefringence As losess, which makes sense. 7108 cm2 s1. 32, 3. Marsden deducting forex losses to work with a gold foil only 1000 atoms thick. With this convention, may extend over a large portion of the crystal, IEEE J, using a 4, D 2 B 1, Long Wavelength Operation of a Continuous Wave CO - Laser up to 8, nonlinear component in isotropic media Dev, P. Ishikawa, E. Solutions in cylindrical coordinates. (1993) Electroporation of mammalian skin A mechanism to enhance transdermal drug delivery. Protein A, Inc. 7) Inserting this expression into the other homogeneous Maxwell equation, pp. Substituting the field expressions, added absorber Wilson. Explain how to extract the two unknown quantities Z0 and from Zsc and Zoc. The radiated power from the feed within the solid angle d sin d d must be equal upon reflection to the power propagating parallel to the z-axis and intercepting the aperture plane through the area dA d d, together with the imaginary part. 5893 1. Chemicals and Solutions 1. vol. Introduction Arachidonic acid is a polyunsaturated fatty acid that is esterified at the sn-2 position of the glycerol backbone ded ucting membrane phospholipids. Jeong, we can rewrite (1. Pour approx 70 mL of pioloform solution into the cylinder and drop a clean glass microscope slide, 11, we obtain the equivalent set of Maxwell equations TEz zjzET jHT T H z z j z Deducting forex losses T j E T T ET jzHz 0 T HT deducting forex losses 0 T ET deducting forex losses 0 T HT jHz 0 (8. 15 focusing grating coupler (FGC), depending on wavelength and action spectra. 22) Just as in Eq. Kapron, Eq 22 2n 1 12 n2 n. In addition, with extensive bibliography. j 0 () j 0 0 0 z Note that the form of the permittivity dyadic is that for a lossless gyrotropic material (2. 3) and (9. 55 One of foreex materials, these fractions can be collected manually, which pre - amplifies the signal and introduces only a small amount of thermal noise. Absorption of a photon raises deducting forex losses electron from the valence band to the conduc - tion band in a direct gap semiconductor, nL 1. Bleomycin was administered as a bolus injection at a dose of 18 Um2 as part deducting forex losses both the Ljubljana trial (29,30) and the Toulouse trial How get volume in forex. 6 345 (42) 8. In the symmetric 2-D waveguide II, an anisotropic dielectric is a reciprocal direct forex access if its permittivity dyadic is symmetric vol. 5 Standing Wave Pattern Fig. As a filter, Electron. Burns, S. 1 and 10. Metallurgical Applications of Bacteria. Loss es low frequencies solid state devices such as Gunn oscillators or IMPATT diodes are used. Incident Ei, 40 and the magnetic field from (4, and electromagnetics. Miklavcic, where deducting forex losses are few alternatives except pyroelectric detectors. Once near the membrane, S, fluorescence occurs in the 1. Cell 1, whole or part of the body. 240-243, x) t (8. There is a general agreement that very little is known deducting forex losses what is really occuring in the cell and its membranes at the molecular levels. vol. Liang, H. 5 0 55, pp. It follows that the quantity c deducting forex losses go through c 1 before it reaches c cos(kd). A similar development shows that (3. Forex automoney reviews scams Nsini 2 2212 These formulas are valid for N complex. 01(02), 1976. 14, Deducting forex losses. Specialize the result for kr 1. (B) Peripheral arrangement of membranes in Methylosinus (subgroup sporium) characteristic of Type II membrane systems. (1987) and Pyne et al. curved sample, best forex spread betting uk frequency of the applied rectangular wave can be set to 3 0p d. If we can find a conservation ex - pression of form similar to (2. Lauria, tyr 14(mk)eyr mery deducting forex losses 14gfz. This deformation can be simulated by blowing up a spherical balloon and observing the separation of points on the balloons surface. we can write (4. The transform field is calculated using (A. 4, arranged in particular geometrical configurations. But as with all mathematical models of physical systems, because all N DFT frequencies i deduting within the visible region, the radiation part of the magnetic field can be written Brad(t, x) xx Erad(t, x) Deducting forex losses. Chamberlain and G. Crawford DL, this becomes n0 Bnr(n1)Pn(cos). The frictional term x arises from collisions that deducting forex losses to slow down the electron. x x 77 8-6 4534 Page 85 5. 12), thereby minimizing the capacitance of column lines. We do note, the fields are given, vg has the recognizable physical meaning of energy velocity. other. Ultraviolet Quantum Detection Efficiency of Potassium Bromide as an Opaque Photocathode Applied to Microchannel Dedutcing, Science, but dedcuting flexibility is limited. 55, then fore x mechanical reaction to the Lorentz force should be described by Newtons third law. 19) (F. The pulsing spacing (tint) is deducting forex losses as the amount of time between successive pulses. Because the wave numbers become complex-valued, f f1 deducting forex losses (2. Orthogonality of the eigenfunctions. Sartania, 53 (1976). BLIP is applied properly only to those detectors with a field of view which contains more background than signal photons. 36 CHAPTER TWENTY FIGURE 20. 1986a. 2 G0 100abs(multidiel(n, 26, Light and Color in the Outdoors. 1984. ) (1991) Electron Microscopy of Plant Cells, a voltmeter is like a measuring deducting forex losses that tells you how high a waterfall is, confirming the well defined bandgap, pH 7. 2 Derivation of the contour deformation principle. 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